We are an independent water and sewerage company also known as a NAV (New appointment and variation company) supplying water and wastewater services to new residential housing and high rise developments. We take customer service very seriously and all you need to know about the services we provide are included below.

ESP Water logo

My water supply



Register your property

Set up my account

So we can set up your account, please fill out the form above to register your details or call us on 0333 000 0059. We will let you know once your account is ready.

Update your details

Update my details

If you would like to update or change your personal details on your account, please fill out the form above or call us on 0333 000 0059.

Moving home

Moving home

If you are moving house and no longer need an account with us, please let us know. We’ll need at least five working days’ notice, so we can ensure you don’t get charged for any water used after you move out. Please fill in the form or call us on 0333 000 0059.

Our standards

View documents

We have introduced additional, enhanced standards as part of our commitment to giving you the best possible service.

Setting up a Direct Debit

To start paying your bills, simply call us on 0333 000 0059 to set up your Direct Debit.

Paying a bill

Setting up a Direct Debit

To start paying your bills, you will need to set up a Direct Debit with us. You can call us to set up a Direct Debit on 0333 000 0059.

Help paying a bill

We currently operate a WaterSure Scheme to cap your bills, or you may be eligible to pay through Water Direct. Please contact us on 0333 000 0059 if you want to discuss help paying your bills.

WaterSure scheme

We provide the WaterSure tariff to customers who may be struggling to pay their bill. This tariff can help by putting a cap on your metered water charges.

To qualify for the WaterSure tariff, you must meet the following:

  • You have a water meter fitted
  • Receive a qualifying benefit below:
    • Child Tax Credit (but not if you receive only the family element)
    • Working Families Tax Credit
    • Income-Related Employment and Support Allowance
    • Housing Benefit
    • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
    • Income Support
    • Pension Credit
    • Universal Credit
  • Have either a medical condition that requires a significant additional water use OR have three or more children under 19 living in the household where someone in the household is claiming child benefit for them.

Social Tariffs

We will match any social tariff offered by the local incumbent water company, so please contact us on 0333 000 0059 if you would like to get further information and find out if you are entitled. This CCW link explains what is on offer – CCW – Help with bills.
Alternatively you can check your charging statement. To find out which is your relevant charging statement, please enter your postcode in the postcode search.

Water Direct

If you are receiving benefits and owe us at least £50, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) may agree to a deduction being taken from your benefit and paid directly to us. You are eligible for Water Direct if you are receiving any of:

  • Employment & Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Job Seekers Allowance (JSA)
  • Income Support
  • Pension Credit
  • Universal Credit

You can either call us directly on 0333 000 0059 in confidence, or you can contact DWP directly on 0800 882 200 to find out if you’re eligible and apply, or visit their website.

If you would like to apply to be on our WaterSure scheme, please fill out the form below:

Watersure Application | ESP Water


Most of the properties we supply come equipped with a water meter, so we can accurately bill you for the water you use.
Your water meter should be read once a year. If you read your own meter, you can send us your readings by using the form below or calling us on 0333 000 0059.

Submit a meter reading

If you suspect your meter is faulty, please contact us using the form below. We will be happy to arrange a site visit so the meter can be collected and tested.

If we find the meter is faulty, we will adjust your bill as needed. If the meter is working perfectly, we may charge you for testing. We will keep in contact with you during our investigation.

Contact us

Alternatively please call us on 0330 123 4201.

Where do we supply?

We supply water and discharge wastewater for new housing developments in England.

View a map of the areas we supply

Check if you are on our water network

Our charges

The amount we charge you as a householder for your water supply and/or wastewater is set out in the documents below. The amount you are charged is dependent on the incumbent region of England you are in.

We would like to draw your attention to the price increases which take effect on 1st April 2025. These charges are increasing in line with the incumbent water company charges in each area. We are regulated by Ofwat and are required to ensure that our charges are never higher than your local water company, this means that you are no worse off being on an ESP Water Network.

If you are struggling to pay your water bill or would like to discuss a bespoke payment plan you can contact us to discuss how we can help by calling 0333 000 0059, or emailing billing@espwater.co.uk.

Our Statement of Assurance 2025/2026

Our Statement of Assurance 2024/2025

Our Statement of Assurance 2023/2024

Water quality documents

We are regulated by the Drinking Water Inspectorate to ensure our water is safe for drinking. If you are concerned about the quality of your water, please do not hesitate to contact us.

To find out about drinking water quality in your area click here

You can also find out more about water quality in these following information posters:

My water tastes bitter or metallic

A bitter or metallic taste is usually the result of increased concentrations of metals commonly found in domestic plumbing systems such as copper or zinc. It is often caused when water is left standing in pipework for a long time.

What to do

Running your taps can often resolve the problem. However, deteriorating metal storage tanks, pipework and fittings can also be a cause. A professional plumber should be able to help identify this, and you can find a list of local  approved plumbers in your area at WaterSafe.

My water smells like fuels or solvents

Please contact us immediately if your water smells or tastes like petrol or diesel. This is often caused by contamination when petrol, diesel or other solvents may have been spilt and filtered through the ground into water pipes.

What to do

If you discover any spills, please note the location and report it to both us and your local council’s Environment Health Team.

My water looks cloudy

This is caused by air in the water, usually as a result of internal plumbing issues or network issues such as a burst water main.

The water is still safe to drink, but leaving it to stand in a jug or glass will allow the air bubbles to rise to the surface, and the cloudy appearance will soon clear from the bottom up.

What to do

To remove any air locked in the system, run your tap closest to the point on full flow. Then find your internal stop tap and turn this between the on and off position nine or 10 times.

My water looks discoloured

Discoloured water is rare and, in most cases, harmless. It can vary in appearance from a yellow straw colour to dark brown, and be caused by several reasons, including:

  • Flow changes in the water system which disturbs sediments
  • Pipe corrosion
  • Plumbing problems in your home
  • Incidents or operational maintenance on the water network
  • Illegal hydrant use

What to do

To clear discolouration, run the tap closest to your internal stop tap at a ‘pencil-thin’ flow for around 20 minutes. If the water is still discoloured, please repeat the process until the water runs clear.

If there’s no improvement, please contact us so we can investigate.

Nickel in water

Nickel is a metallic element, which may be found in some taps and fittings in your property.  Click on the link to find out more in our advice sheet.

What to do

Though nickel is harmless in small amounts, it can cause skin to become red, sore or itchy. If you or a family member has any of these symptoms, you may need to change your tap fittings. Your local plumber will be able to tell you which fittings are industry-approved.

Chlorine in water

Chlorine is added to drinking water in very small quantities to protect it after it leaves the water treatment works. Although the chlorine level is low, some people may notice a taste and smell at different times. Find out more in our advice sheet.

What to do

If you notice chlorine in your cold water straight from the tap, pour the water into a large jug and put it in the fridge for a few hours. This should remove the taste and smell. If you notice it in boiled water, test for an issue with your kettle by boiling water in a saucepan and comparing the taste. If your kettle is the problem, rinse and descale it.

How hard is my water?

Rainwater is naturally soft, but as it passes through rocks in the ground, calcium and magnesium salts dissolve into it. The more salts it contains, the harder the water. Hard water provides less lather from soap and washing up liquid, and can cause scale to build up in boilers, kettles, and other water-heating appliances.

However, it is perfectly safe, and there are no water quality or health-based standards for hardness.

If you need to soften your water for a specific reason, a water softener will replace the calcium and magnesium salts with sodium. However, please be aware that the extra sodium in your drinking water can cause dehydration in babies, affect low-salt diets, and encourage water pipes to deteriorate. The beads from the softener bed can also break through to the supply system, which will require maintenance

If you already have a water softener, we suggest you also install a separate mains-fed tap or a reverse osmosis kit for your drinking water.

If you would like to install a water softener, please ask an approved plumber for advice. You can find a list of approved plumbers in your area at WaterSafe.

Saving water

Water is one of the world’s most precious resources, and huge amounts of water are used every day. That means it’s important that we all try and save water where we can. By working together, we can help to reduce the amount of water being wasted.

Here are some handy hints on how to save water at home:

  • Take shorter showers – if everyone in your household reduced their shower time by one minute every day, it could help you make a significant saving in water use, and save money on your water bill.
  • Turn your tap off when it’s not being used, such as when washing up or brushing your teeth. This could save over six litres of water every minute.
  • Use of a watering can instead of a hose when watering the garden.
  • Use a bucket and sponge to wash the car instead of a hose or jet wash.
  • Use water-saving products such as a water butt to collect and store rainwater for activities like watering plants.
  • If you have a dual-flush toilet, try to use the ‘light’ (usually the smaller button) flush when possible.

Have a look at our poster for more tips

and visit Water’s worth saving’s website for even more information on how you can save water and money.

How does my water supply work?

How does my water and wastewater supply work?

Pipework responsibility

Responsibility for your water pipes is split two ways:

  • The water company – the organisation who provides your home with drinking water.
  • The property owner – the person who owns the property supplied.

Water company responsibility

As the water company that supplies your home, we’re responsible for the water mains, communication pipes, and infrastructure on public land, up to your external stop tap. This is the point where your home connects to our network.

Property owner responsibility

The property owner is responsible for the supply pipe from the external stop tap into your home, and all the pipework inside. If the supply pipe is shared, all the property owners connected to it share the responsibility for maintaining it.



The property owner is responsible for their drains, while the sewers are the water company’s responsibility. For more information about your drains, please see our poster below.

Be kind to your drains


Water Fittings Regulations

As your water company we are responsible for ensuring the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999 are met.  They were introduced to protect public health by safeguarding drinking water supplies from waste, misuse and contamination up to the point of use in homes and businesses.  Click on the link below for more information.

Water Fittings Enforcement Policy

New connections

If you would like to connect to our water or wastewater network, you can find more information in our New Connection Services Charging statement.

New Connection Services Charging statement 2024-25.

New Connection Services Charging statement 2025-26.

You can also call us on 0330 123 4201.

New Connections Board Statement of Assurance 2025-26

Our other utilities



