
ofgem logo

ES Pipelines is licensed by the industry regulator, Ofgem, as an Independent Gas Transporter, while ESP Electricity is licensed as an Independent Distribution Network Operator.


Lloyd's Register Meter Asset Management logo

MAMCoP is the Code of Practice for Gas Meter Asset Managers. ES Pipelines is an Accredited Meter Asset Manager under the code.

ISO Certification

ISO 27001 logo     Lloyd's Register ISO 55001 logo

ESP Utilities takes cyber security very seriously. We are accredited to the ISO 27001 standard for information security.

We manage our key asset groups via an Asset Management System certified to the ISO 55001:2014(E) standard. You can download a copy of our Asset Management Policy document here.

ESP Water

ESP Water logo

ESP Water applies to Ofwat for a variation to our appointment as a New Appointment and Variation (NAV) company to serve our consumers.

Several regulatory bodies oversee the water industry, with different areas of responsibility.


Ofwat logo

Ofwat is the economic regulator of the water industry in the UK. Their vision is to make the greatest contribution possible to improving life through water.

Ofwat’s strategy sets out three strategic goals:

  1. To transform water companies’ performance for customers
  2. To drive water companies to meet long-term challenges through increased collaboration and partnerships
  3. For water companies to serve a wider public purpose, delivering more for customers, society and the environment.

0300 034 2222 (for customers in England)
0300 034 3333 (for customers in Wales)
Website: https://www.ofwat.gov.uk/

Drinking Water Inspectorate

Drinking Water Inspectorate logo

The Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI) provides reassurance that our water supplied by underground pipes is completely safe to drink. The DWI constantly monitors, examines, and regulates our drinking water to ensure it meets the required criteria.

Website: https://www.dwi.gov.uk/

Environment Agency

Environment Agency logo

The Environment Agency is responsible for protecting and improving the environment in England and Wales, and looks after:

  • River and coastal water pollution
  • Fisheries
  • Recreation
  • Navigation
  • Water resource management
  • River management

General enquiries: 03708 506 506
Floodline: 0345 988 1188
Incident hotline: 0800 807 060
Website: www.environment-agency.gov.uk
Email: enquiries@environment-agency.gov.uk


CCW logo

CCW is the independent industry watchdog that represents the interests of water and sewerage customers in England and Wales. CCW deals with customer complaints against water and sewerage companies, and licensed suppliers.

You can contact CCW at any point, but they will usually ask you to contact us first, so we can look into the problem before they begin their investigations.

Tel: 0300 034 2222
Website: www.ccwater.org.uk