If your water has gone off, please click here for more information.
If you’ve had a power cut, please click here for more information
If you’re gas has gone off, please click here for more information

If you have no water, please check the following:
- Do you have water from any other mains-fed tap in your property or from an outside tap? If you don’t, please call us to report the issue. If you do, the likely cause is a plumbing problem and you should contact your plumber. You do not need to let us know.
- Are your neighbours affected? If so, please call us to report the issue.
To tell us you have no water, simply call us on 0330 123 4201.
- Is there any planned work in your area? If so, we should already have sent you a card letting you know and there’s no need to call us.
Your water supply will be restored by the time given on the card. However, in the unlikely event you’re still without water, please call us on 0330 123 4201.
We apologise if your supply has been disrupted and we are not carrying out planned maintenance. To find out when your water might be restored, please visit our supply interruptions page.
If you prefer to get in touch with us, you can find out how and our opening times on our contact us page.

Checking for leaks outside of your property
A wet patch in your grass or paving, especially during dry weather.
An area of grass growing much quicker than those around it.
Sunken patches appearing.
A noticeable change in water pressure.
Leaky toilets and dripping taps
A leaky toilet can waste on average 400 litres of water a day. To check if you have a leak:
- After flushing, wait at least 30 minutes and then wipe the back of the pan dry with toilet paper.
- Place a new, dry sheet of toilet paper across the back of the pan.
- Leave it for up to three hours without using the toilet.
- Check the paper. If the paper is wet or worn, the toilet is leaking.
This is often caused by a faulty valve or seal, which will need replacing.
A dripping tap (which can waste up to 5,000 litres of water a year) is often caused by a worn out washer which needs replacing.
Household appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers can often leak when incorrectly plumbed in. Regularly check behind them for any sign of water leaking before or after use.
Leak within your property boundary
If you have a leak on pipework within your property boundary – after your external stop tap – you’ll need to find a plumber to repair it.
If you rent your home, you should contact your landlord or letting agent to arrange a repair.
Report a leak on our network
If you’ve spotted a leak on our water network, please let us know so we can fix it as soon as possible.
Please make a note of the leak’s location and how quickly it’s flowing, for example, trickling or gushing, and call us on 0330 123 4201.
If your meter is inside your home
To check if your water meter is leaking:
- Turn off all your taps (including your internal stop tap) and appliances, like washing machines and dishwashers.
- Make a note of the full reading on your water meter or take a photo if it’s easier.
- Wait for at least three hours and read your water meter again. The reading should be the same.
- If your water meter still shows the same reading, turn your internal stop tap on.
- Wait 10 minutes, making sure you don’t use any water.
- Read your meter again.
- If the meter reading has changed, it suggests you have a leak in your property. If you need help finding and fixing the leak, you can find a list of approved plumbers in your area at WaterSafe.
If your meter is outside your home
If you can safely access your meter:
- Turn off all your taps (including your internal stop tap) and appliances, like washing machines and dishwashers.
- Make a note of the full reading on your water meter or take a photo if easier.
- Wait for at least three hours and read your water meter again. The reading should be the same.
- If the meter reading has changed, this suggests there is a leak between the meter and your home. Please call us on 0330 123 4201 so we can investigate further.
- If your water meter still shows the same reading, turn your internal stop tap on.
- Wait 20 minutes, making sure you don’t use any water.
- Read your meter again.
- If the meter reading has changed, it suggests you have a leak in your property. If you need help finding and fixing the leak, you can find a list of approved plumbers in your area at WaterSafe.
For more information on how we manage leaks, please read our Leakage Code of Practice.
How long does it take to fix a leak?
Once reported to us, we will fix major leaks within five days and minor leaks within 10 days.

Causes of poor pressure
The pressure and flow of your water can be affected by several factors:
Burst water mains or maintenance works taking place on the water network.
The height of your property in relation to our water main and the reservoir – often off-site – that stores your water before it enters our water mains.
The condition of your private supply pipe.
If the stop tap is not turned on sufficiently.
Whether your property shares a supply pipe with any other property.
Peak demand conditions.
If your water pressure falls substantially below normal, contact us on 0330 123 4201. We will investigate and let you know what action’s required.
Pressure test
You can test your pressure by following these steps:
- Ensure all other taps and appliances are turned off.
- Turn on your kitchen tap at full power and use a 1 litre jug to see how many times you can fill it in the space of one minute. Filling it 9 or more times confirms the correct minimum flow rate is being received at your property.
If you are concerned about your water pressure, please contact us.
We are regulated by the Drinking Water Inspectorate to ensure our water is safe for drinking. If you are concerned about the quality of your water, please do not hesitate to contact us.
You can also find out more about water quality in these following information posters:
1.My water tastes bitter or metallic
A bitter or metallic taste is usually the result of increased concentrations of metals commonly found in domestic plumbing systems, such as copper or zinc. It is often caused when water is left standing in pipework for a long time.
Running your taps can often resolve the problem. However, deteriorating metal storage tanks, pipework, and fittings can also be a cause. A professional plumber should be able to help identify this, and you can find a list of approved plumbers in your area at WaterSafe.
2.My water smells like fuels or solvents
Please contact us immediately if your water smells or tastes like petrol or diesel. This is often caused by contamination when petrol, diesel or other solvents may have been spilt and filtered through the ground into water pipes.
If you discover any spills, please note the location and report it to both us and your local council’s Environment Health Team.
3.My water looks cloudy
This is caused by air in the water, usually as a result of internal plumbing issues or network issues such as a burst water main.
The water is still safe to drink, but leaving it to stand in a jug or glass will allow the air bubbles to rise to the surface, and the cloudy appearance will soon clear from the bottom up.
To remove any air locked in the system, run your tap closest to the point on full flow. Then find your internal stop tap and turn this between the on and off position nine or 10 times.
4.My water looks discoloured
Discoloured water is rare and, in most cases, harmless. It can vary in appearance from a yellow straw colour to dark brown, and be caused by several reasons, including:
- Flow changes in the water system which disturbs sediments.
- Pipe corrosion.
- Plumbing problems in your home.
- Incidents or operational maintenance on the water network.
- Illegal hydrant use.
To clear discolouration, run the tap closest to your internal stop tap at a ‘pencil-thin’ flow for around 20 minutes. If the water is still discoloured, please repeat the process until the water runs clear.
If there’s no improvement, please contact us so we can investigate.
5.Nickel in water
Nickel is a metallic element, which may be found in some taps and fittings in your property. Click on the link below to find out more in our advice sheet.
Though nickel is harmless in small amounts, it can cause skin to become red, sore or itchy. If you or a family member have any of these symptoms, you may need to change your tap fittings. Your local plumber will be able to tell you which fittings are industry-approved.
6.Chlorine in water
Chlorine is added to drinking water in very small quantities to protect it after it leaves the water treatment works. Although the chlorine level is low, some people may notice a taste and smell at different times. Find out more in our advice sheet below.
If you notice chlorine in your cold water straight from the tap, pour the water into a large jug and put it in the fridge for a few hours. This should remove the taste and smell. If you notice it in boiled water, test for an issue with your kettle by boiling water in a saucepan and comparing the taste. If your kettle is the problem, try changing it for a metallic kettle.
7.How hard is my water?
Rainwater is naturally soft, but as it passes through rocks in the ground, calcium and magnesium salts dissolve into it. The more salts it contains, the harder the water. Hard water provides less lather from soap and washing up liquid, and can cause scale to build up in boilers, kettles, and other water-heating appliances.
However, it is perfectly safe, and there are no water quality or health-based standards for hardness.
If you need to soften your water for a specific reason, a water softener will replace the calcium and magnesium salts with sodium. However, please be aware that the extra sodium in your drinking water can cause dehydration in babies, affect low-salt diets, and encourage water pipes to deteriorate. The beads from the softener bed can also break through to the supply system, which will require maintenance.
If you already have a water softener, we suggest you also install a separate mains-fed tap or a reverse osmosis kit for your drinking water. If you would like to install a water softener, please ask an approved plumber for advice. You can find a list of approved plumbers in your area at WaterSafe.
We value the service we give our customers. As a statutory water and sewerage undertaker we must comply with a set of standard conditions. These standards guarantee a level of service we are reasonably expected to deliver in all cases.
If we regrettably fail to meet the required level of service, you may be entitled to automatic or claimable compensation.
Please click here for details of “Our Promises to You”, the minimum service levels we need to meet and, where relevant, the compensation you are entitled to if we fall short. Please note these payments compensate you for the inconvenience caused by a failure of service. They are not designed to compensate you for any resulting financial loss.
While we always aim to provide you with an excellent level of service, we know that things may go wrong from time to time. If this happens, please let us know straight away and we’ll make it our priority to resolve the problem. We treat all complaints as confidential, and handle them with care and transparency.
Our complaints process has been independently approved by Ofwat and CCW.
How to complain
Step 1: By telephone (01372 587 500) – This is the quickest way to resolve your complaint. We aim to deal with phone complaints on the very first call.
Step 2: Email or letter – If you have called us and still want to make a complaint, you can get in touch by email or letter. We will investigate the problem and aim to respond within five working days of receiving it. If we haven’t replied within 10 working days, you are entitled to a penalty payment (see ‘Our promises to you’ section at Section 8.0).
Resolving your complaint
When handling your complaint, we aim to ensure we address all the points you raised in full, with a satisfactory resolution for each. Depending on the nature of your complaint, we may respond in different ways.
This may include prompt remedial action where necessary, a full apology if our service has fallen below what you expect, a detailed explanation for every point raised, or giving you compensation, according to Our Promises to You.
Escalating your complaint
Review by Director – If you are unhappy with our reply or how we handled your complaint, you can write to us and ask for one of our Directors to carry out a review.
Review by Independent Customer Watchdog – If we have fully reviewed your complaint and you are still dissatisfied, you can ask the Consumer Council for Water (CCW) to review your case. The CCW is an independent body which represents customers’ interests and investigates complaints. You can contact them at:
23 Stephenson Street, Birmingham, B2 4BHTel: 0300 034 2222
Email: enquiries@ccwater.org.uk
Website: www.ccw.org.ukPlease note CCW will not review your complaint unless you have completed our complaint process.
If you are dissatisfied following CCW’s investigation, you have the right to refer your complaint to WATRS.
WATRS is a free and independent adjudication service which reviews disputes between customers and companies that CCW has been unable to resolve. You can apply to them at:
Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution International Dispute Resolution Centre
70 Fleet Street
London EC4Y 1EUPhone: 020 7520 3801
Email: info@watrs.org
Website: www.watrs.orgYou can only apply to WATRS after you have received a ‘deadlock’ letter from CCW.

We aim to provide a safe and reliable electricity supply, but unfortunately, faults can cause unplanned interruptions. Sometimes, we need to carry out essential maintenance. If so, we’ll always write to you first and regularly update our planned supply interruptions page.

If your neighbours DO have power:
- Check your trip switch
- If the trip switch is still on, call 105
- If the trip switch is off, switch it back on. If it switches back off, one of your appliances may be faulty. Unplug all appliances and then reset the trip switch
- If only part of your electricity supply has failed and the trip won’t reset, there may be a fault with your internal wiring. Please get in touch with a registered electrician
- Check your electricity meter. Is the dial/display working? If not, call 105
We value the service we give our customers. As a licensee under Ofgem for the transportation/distribution of gas/electricity, we must comply with a set of standard conditions for each licensable activity. These standards guarantee a level of service we are reasonably expected to deliver in all cases.
If we regrettably fail to meet the required level of service, you may be entitled to automatic or claimable compensation.
Please click here for details of the minimum service levels we need to meet and, where relevant, the compensation you are entitled to if we fall short. Please note these payments compensate you for the inconvenience caused by a loss of supply or failure of service. They are not designed to compensate you for any resulting financial loss.
While we always aim to provide you with an excellent level of service, we know that things may go wrong from time to time. If this happens, please let us know straight away and we’ll make it our priority to resolve the problem. We treat all complaints as confidential, and handle them with care and transparency.
Please call us on 01372 587 500 and let the team member know you want to make a complaint. Where possible, they will aim to resolve it themselves or speak to the relevant manager. However, if we are unable to resolve your complaint there and then, we may ask you to email hello@espug.com with the details.
Our Customer Services Team will acknowledge and respond to your email within five working days. If we need to investigate your complaint further, we will let you know in our acknowledgement, and respond fully within 10 working days of your original email. Please note we consider the day we receive your email to be day zero, unless it’s after 4pm or the weekend, when day zero is the next working day.
If you prefer to complain by letter, we aim to reply in the same timeframes. However, please allow for potential delays in the postal service. Adding your phone number or email address will help us contact you sooner.
Resolving your complaint
When handling your complaint, we aim to ensure we address all the points you raised in full, with a satisfactory resolution for each. Depending on the nature of your complaint, we may respond in different ways.
This may include prompt remedial action where necessary, a full apology if our service has fallen below what you expect, a detailed explanation for every point raised, or giving you compensation, according to Ofgem guidance, under the Guaranteed Standards of Service for Electricity and Guaranteed Standards of Performance for Gas.
Escalating your complaint
If you are not satisfied with the way we’ve handled your complaint, or it’s still unresolved, we advise you to read Ofgem’s advice on their website.
If you believe your complaint remains unresolved eight weeks after you raised it, or we have told you there is nothing more we can do, you can contact the Energy Ombudsman. They are an independent body who will assess your case free of charge. Their final decision is binding for us.
You can contact them by:
Telephone: 0330 44 1624
Textphone: 0330 440 1600
Website: www.ombudsman-services.org
Address: Ombudsman Services: Energy, PO Box 966, Warrington, WA4 9DF
Electricity power cut information and advice 
Preparing for a power cut
If you or a relative are reliant on necessary medical or other electrical equipment, please read this advice on what to do during a power cut, and make sure you’ve signed up to our Priority Services Register.
Remember never to put yourself in danger and to alert the emergency services if a dangerous situation arises.
Keep warm – keep a blanket and warm clothing handy and fill a vacuum flask or hot water bottle.
Stock your cupboard with food and drink that doesn’t require electricity to prepare it.
Keep your mobile phone and laptop fully charged.
Have a torch, with spare batteries, to hand.
If you need to use candles then please be careful. An open flame should always be used responsibly.
Keep an old-fashioned corded phone which you can plug in, as cordless phones may not work in the event of a power cut.
Have blankets ready to place over your fridges and freezers; this will help to keep contents cold for many hours.
Look out for elderly neighbours and ensure they are prepared for or safe in a possible power cut.
During a power outage
- Switch off all electrical appliances that shouldn’t be left unattended, in case the power comes back on. You should limit the use of your smart phone or laptop to preserve the life of the battery.
- Keep fridges and freezers closed. Putting a blanket over them will help contents stay cold for several hours.
- Leave a light on so you know when the power outage has been resolved.
- Check to see if your neighbours are okay.
- Wrap up warm.
- Remember never to put yourself in danger and to alert the emergency services if a dangerous situation arises.

Call 0800 111 999 for the gas emergency service. If you are deaf or have difficulty hearing, and have a Minicom or Textphone, you can call the gas emergency service on 0800 371 787.
- Turn off appliances.
- Open all doors and windows.
- Turn the emergency control valve off at the gas meter. This is a red or yellow lever which should be turned clockwise to the horizontal position.
- Do not smoke in or near the property.
- Do not operate any light switches, electrical sockets or any other possible ignition sources.
We value the service we give our customers. As a licensee under Ofgem for the transportation/distribution of gas/electricity, we must comply with a set of standard conditions for each licensable activity. These standards guarantee a level of service we are reasonably expected to deliver in all cases.
If we regrettably fail to meet the required level of service, you may be entitled to automatic or claimable compensation.Please click here for details of the minimum service levels we need to meet and, where relevant, the compensation you are entitled to if we fall short. Please note these payments compensate you for the inconvenience caused by a loss of supply or failure of service. They are not designed to compensate you for any resulting financial loss.
While we always aim to provide you with an excellent level of service, we know that things may go wrong from time to time. If this happens, please let us know straight away and we’ll make it our priority to resolve the problem. We treat all complaints as confidential, and handle them with care and transparency.
Please call us on 01372 587 500 and let the team member know you want to make a complaint. Where possible, they will aim to resolve it themselves, or speak to the relevant manager. However, if we are unable to resolve your complaint there and then, we may ask you to email hello@espug.com with the details
Our Customer Services Team will acknowledge and respond to your email within five working days. If we need to investigate your complaint further, we will let you know in our acknowledgement, and respond fully within 10 working days of your original email. Please note that we consider the day we receive your email to be day zero, unless it’s after 4pm or the weekend, when day zero is the next working day.
If you prefer to complain by letter, we aim to reply in the same timeframes. However, please allow for potential delays in the postal service. Adding your phone number or email address will help us contact you sooner.
Resolving your complaint
When handling your complaint, we aim to ensure we address all the points you raised in full, with a satisfactory resolution for each. Depending on the nature of your complaint, we may respond in different ways.
This may include prompt remedial action where necessary, a full apology if our service has fallen below what you expect, a detailed explanation for every point raised, or giving you compensation, according to Ofgem guidance, under the Guaranteed Standards of Service for Electricity and Guaranteed Standards of Performance for Gas.
Escalating your complaint
If you are not satisfied with the way we’ve handled your complaint, or it’s still unresolved, we advise you to read Ofgem’s advice on their website.
If you believe your complaint remains unresolved eight weeks after you raised it, or we have told you there is nothing more we can do, you can contact the Energy Ombudsman. They are an independent body who will assess your case free of charge. Their final decision is binding for us.
You can contact them by:
Telephone: 0330 44 1624
Textphone: 0330 440 1600
Website: www.energyombudsman.org
Address: Ombudsman Services: Energy, PO Box 966, Warrington, WA4 9DF