Tell us you’re moving

If you are moving home, please let us know as soon as possible. We require at least five working days’ notice by telephone or 10 working days’ notice by letter to enable a meter reading to be taken to produce a final bill. Alternatively, you can provide us with your meter reading.

Otherwise you could remain liable for the charges until the first of the following dates:

  • 28 days after we have been notified.
  • The date when the meter would normally have been read next.
  • The date when we are notified by someone else that they have become the occupier

Should you require a water or sewerage supply to be disconnected, you must give us 14 working days’ notice.

If you need any help please browse our frequently asked questions (FAQs) or call our billing team.

Please remember, if your sewerage services are provided by another water company, you will also need to inform them. You can find this information on your bill or contact us if you need their details.

    1. Customer Details

    2. Property Address

    3. Meter Details

    Approximate day you are moving out