Priority services register

The Priority Services Register (PSR) is a free service offered by both your network operator and utilities supplier, which may entitle you to extra help and support with your utility supplies.

To register please click here

PSR Promise Lawful Basis

Vulnerability Strategy

We can offer a range of services to meet your needs if you:

  • Have physical disabilities
  • Have mental health conditions
  • Have dementia
  • Have chronic or serious illness
  • Are of pensionable age over 65
  • Are deaf or have difficulty hearing
  • Need dialysis
  • Have developmental conditions
  • Are blind or partially-sighted
  • Are unable to answer the door
  • Have restricted hand movement
  • Are unable to communicate in English

You can also sign up if your temporary situation means you need additional help. This includes if you:

• Have young children below the age of five

• Have experienced life changes such as bereavement or separation

• Are recovering following hospital treatment

• Are a young adult (below 18) who is paying the bills

It is important to us that we offer you the right level of support, so please let us know if your needs change during the year.

If you, or your care giver, would like to register for our Priority Services Register, please either use our online form,  email us at, or call us on 01372 587 500.

Once you join the PSR, we will:

  • Provide advance notice of planned interruptions to your electricity, gas or water supply.
  • Offer proactive communications during both planned or unplanned interruptions to your supply.
  • Give advice on how you can prepare for a planned interruption and manage in case of unplanned interruptions.
  • Provide a password facility so you can check the identity of any of our people that may need to visit your home – either at your request or in an emergency.

We always follow privacy laws and ensure your personal information will never be used for marketing purposes.

Please note that it is impossible for us to guarantee a constant supply of electricity or gas, so it is essential you have alternative arrangements in place to fall back on if a constant supply is crucial for you. If you would like further advice, please contact us so we can discuss other arrangements you may be able to use if your supply is interrupted.

Preparing for winter

While emergency power cuts are unlikely in winter, if they do happen, you may typically lose power for around three hours, once a day. However, depending on the severity of the scenario, power may be interrupted several times during the event. Please see here for more information about how you can prepare.

Please note that Priority Services Register customers will also lose power in an emergency power cut. As disconnections happen at the substation, it’s impossible to exclude individual domestic properties.

If you rely on electricity to power medical equipment and are unsure what would happen to it in a power cut, you should speak to your healthcare provider now.

You should also ensure your equipment and back up systems have been recently serviced and tested by the organisation which supplied it. Make sure you know how long your back up supply will work for and test the back up plan you have in place.

To create a personal back up plan, please speak to your GP or the NHS. Network operators like us can’t do this for you.
Please note that a power cut also means your gas boiler, heat pump, broadband and home phone will not work. Mobile phone services will also be extremely limited and might drop out entirely.

To protect your water pipes over the colder winter months, ensure they are lagged.

WaterSure application

We provide the WaterSure tariff to customers who may be struggling to pay their bill without support. This tariff can help by putting a cap on your metered water charges.

To qualify for the WaterSure tariff, you must meet the following:

  • Have a water meter
  • Receive a qualifying benefit below:
    • Child Tax Credit (but not if you receive only the family element)
    • Working Families Tax Credit
    • Income-Related Employment and Support Allowance
    • Housing Benefit
    • Income-Based Jobseeker’s Allowance
    • Income Support
    • Pension Credit
    • Universal Credit
  • Have either a medical condition that requires a significant additional water use OR have three or more children under 19 living in the household where someone in the household is claiming child benefit for them.

If you qualify, simply complete the form below to ensure we have the right information to help us support you. For more information, please refer to our Debt Code of Practice.

If you are not eligible for WaterSure, you may be entitled to apply for a social tariff. Please contact us for further information on 0333 000 0059 to see how we can help. Alternatively you can check your charging statement. To find out which is your relevant charging statement, please enter your postcode in the postcode search.

    1. About You

    2. Benefits & Medical Condition

    Please tick which qualifying benefit you are in receipt of:

    Qualifying Medical Conditions

    Please provide proof of all ticked conditions, if you do not have a prescription please provide either a letter from your GP which states why you would require the use of more water.

    3. Your Children

    Do you have three (3) or more children under the age of 19 living at the property?

    Please provide the date of birth of your youngest three (3) children:

    4. Final Things

    Customer Declaration:

    The information I have provided is correct to the best of my knowledge and I understand that if I provide any information which is false, you may refuse to consider my application.

    I give my permission to the authority that provides my benefit or tax credit to give you any further information to support my application.

    I understand that ESP Water may occasionally contact me by telephone, email, text or in person to make sure I am given the best support for my needs.

    I understand that if my situation changes I can tell ESP Water and they will change my details or remove me.
