Project Nexus: New UK Link System

Project Nexus: New UK Link System

As most industry participants will be aware, 1st June 2017 represents an important milestone for the gas industry. This date marks the implementation of the new UK Link system – one of the most significant changes in the history of the gas industry in Great Britain.

The UK Link system facilitates key processes for the competitive gas market in Great Britain, including customer switching and energy settlement. The original system was implemented in 1996 and has been adapted over the years to support changes to industry and business processes. The need to replace key elements of the current UK Link systems was identified some years ago, and the requirements for the new system have been identified through consultation, Network Code modification processes and extensive industry discussion.

The new system makes a number of changes to existing processes and introduces some new ones. The original UK Link system was used by Gas Shippers and large Gas Transporters (GDNs). From 1st June, all Independent Gas Transporters (iGTs), including ESPUG, will also be able to access this centralised service. All customers, whether on iGT or GDN networks will now utilise identical processes when switching suppliers. This alignment of service will bring significant savings to suppliers and ultimately to end consumers.

ESPUG have been extensively involved in the development of these changes at every stage; design, build, testing and transition in to live, as well as supporting the overall management of the programme at a senior level.

Robert Wallace, ESPUG’s Managing Director commented, “This is an exciting time for all of us at ESPUG as we embark on a new relationship with Xoserve and a new way of interacting with other key stakeholders in the gas industry. We are very much looking forward to seeing the benefits of the significant work iGTs individually and collectively have contributed to this project.”

This new system provides a future platform for on-going changes to the gas industry.

More details can be found on the Xoserve and Ofgem websites: