General enquiries
If you have a general query or would like to share your feedback, please get in touch with us using the ‘Contact Us’ form below. We value customer feedback as it helps us understand what we’re doing right, and, just as importantly, where we need to improve.
You can also email our Customer Services team or call us on our general enquiries number.
To find out who your supplier is, please click here.
To register for our Priority Services Register, please click here.
Customer Services
ESP Utilities Group Ltd
Bluebird House
Mole Business Park
Surrey KT22 7BA
General enquiries:
Water enquiries:
General enquiries
Water enquiries
Water billing enquiries

Feedback and complaints
Electricity and gas complaints
While we always aim to provide you with an excellent level of service, we know that things may go wrong from time to time. If this happens, please let us know straight away and we’ll make it our priority to resolve the problem. We treat all complaints as confidential, and handle them with care and transparency.
Please call us on 01372 587 500 and let the team member know you want to make a complaint. Where possible, they will aim to resolve it themselves, or speak to the relevant manager. However, if we are unable to resolve your complaint there and then, we may ask you to email with the details.
Our Customer Services Team will acknowledge and respond to your email within five working days. If we need to investigate your complaint further, we will let you know in our acknowledgement, and respond fully within 10 working days of your original email. Please note we consider the day we receive your email to be day zero, unless it’s after 4pm or the weekend, when day zero is the next working day.
If you prefer to complain by letter, we aim to reply in the same timeframes. However, please allow for potential delays in the postal service. Adding your phone number or email address will help us contact you sooner.
Resolving your complaint
When handling your complaint, we aim to ensure we address all the points you raised in full, with a satisfactory resolution for each. Depending on the nature of your complaint, we may respond in different ways.
This may include prompt remedial action where necessary, a full apology if our service has fallen below what you expect, a detailed explanation for every point raised, or giving you compensation, according to Ofgem guidance, under the Guaranteed Standards of Service for Electricity and Guaranteed Standards of Performance for Gas.
Escalating your complaint
If you are not satisfied with the way we’ve handled your complaint, or it’s still unresolved, we advise you to read Ofgem’s advice on their website.
If you believe your complaint remains unresolved eight weeks after you raised it, or we have told you there is nothing more we can do, you can contact the Energy Ombudsman. They are an independent body who will assess your case free of charge. Their final decision is binding for us.
You can contact them by:
Telephone: 0330 44 1624
Textphone: 0330 440 1600
Address: Ombudsman Services: Energy, PO Box 966, Warrington, WA4 9DF
Our water complaint process
While we always aim to provide you with an excellent level of service, we know that things may go wrong from time to time. If this happens, please let us know straight away and we’ll make it our priority to resolve the problem. We treat all complaints as confidential, and handle them with care and transparency.
Our complaints process has been independently approved by Ofwat and CCW.
How to complain
- Step 1: By telephone – This is the quickest way to resolve your complaint. We aim to deal with phone complaints on the very first call.
- Step 2: Email or letter – If you have called us and still want to make a complaint, you can get in touch by email or letter. We will investigate the problem and aim to respond within five working days of receiving it. If we haven’t replied within 10 working days, you are entitled to a penalty payment (see ‘Our promises to you’ section at Section 8.0).
- Step 3: Review by Director – If you are still unhappy with our reply or how we handled your complaint, you can write to us and ask for one of our Directors to carry out a review.
- Step 4: Review by Independent Customer Watchdog – If we have fully reviewed your complaint and you are still dissatisfied, you can ask the Consumer Council for Water (CCW) to review your case. The CCW is an independent body which represents customers’ interests and investigates complaints. You can contact them at:
23 Stephenson Street, Birmingham, B2 4BH
Tel: 0300 034 2222
Please note CCW will not review your complaint unless you have completed our complaint process.
Water Industry Redress Scheme (WATRS)
If you are still dissatisfied following CCW’s investigation, you have the right to refer your complaint to WATRS.
WATRS is a free and independent adjudication service which reviews disputes between customers and companies that CCW has been unable to resolve. You can apply to them at:
Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution International Dispute Resolution Centre
70 Fleet Street
London EC4Y 1EU
Phone: 020 7520 3801
You can only apply to WATRS after you have received a ‘deadlock’ letter from CCW.
ESPW Drainage and Water Search
We provide a Residential and Commercial Drainage and Water response based on the questions of CON29DW to help homebuyers identify the location of existing water mains and sewers.
Applications for the search should be made to containing details of the property, preferably with a map indicating the location.
We aim to respond within 14 days.