- The NAA adoption process allows each developer to select their preferred ICP partners phase by phase, allowing contractor flexibility and contractor accountability throughout each phase of the project.
- ESP and Ameon’s energy strategy connected the temporary HV supply into the new Primary Substation; consolidating the onsite HV network and allowing Peel Waters to benefit from a higher asset value.
- ESP’s flexibility around the sewer adoption agreement ensured that the spine mains were adopted early reducing Peel Waters’ maintenance costs and allowing the management company to take early ownership of the roads.
- ESP will adopt basement substations, freeing up valuable ground floor space and increasing sellable and retail space.
- ESP’s design standards allow the adoption of cabling and equipment to the cut-outs for the apartments and offices, enabling individual metering with reduced management costs.
- ESP’s expert water team led discharge negotiations with Manchester Ship Canal, resulting in a solution that met all stakeholder requirements.
Contracting through the Network Adopting Agreement with ESP has been integral to the successful delivery of the first stages of Trafford Waters. With ESP’s expertise, we have been able to negotiate a complex agreement with Manchester Ship Canal for the discharge of surface water and have successfully value-engineered the utility networks to deliver overall project value.
Phil Kerridge, Project Director, Peel Waters